Leaky Gut – What, Why, How

Leaky Gut – What, Why, How

Leaky gut seems to be the new hot disease on the streets. More and more people are showing symptoms of this condition. Thus, more research and information are coming out on what it is, what causes it, and how to heal it.

A leaky gut, known as intestinal permeability, is when the walls of the intestine become damaged. It allows undigested food, waste, and bacteria to seep through the intestinal walls. Worse, enter the bloodstream. Thus, this puts the body into attack mode causing inflammation and a host of undesirable symptoms.

Leaky Gut

What are the Symptoms of Leaky Gut

  • Depression, anxiety, ADHD
  • Autoimmune disorders like hashimoto’s, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes
  • Skin conditions like acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis
  • Constipation, diarrhea, IBS, and IBD
  • Adrenal fatigue, fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism
  • Frequent colds, food sensitivity, headaches, brain fog

Why Do We Get Leaky Gut

  • Diet – gluten, casein (dairy), processed foods (chemicals, preservatives) pesticides, sugar, trans-fats, alcohol
  • Medications – steroids  antibiotics
  • Infection – H-pylori (acid reflux, heartburn) candida (yeast overgrowth), SBIO, viruses, and parasites
  • Stress – high cortisol, high levels of epinephrine or norepinephrine
  • Hormonal – low thyroid levels, low progesterone, estrogen, or testosterone
  • Neurological – traumatic brain injury, neurodegeneration, decreased function of the vagus nerve
  • Metabolic – high blood pressure, inflammation, autoimmune diseases

It is important to get a full picture of your state of health. Because there are so many different causes of leaky gut syndrome. Diet is a huge factor. Moreover, many people see great results by making adjustments to their diet. However, diet alone might not solve the problem if there are other factors causing an issue. It is important to consult a professional who is knowledgeable about the leaky gut.  They will address all the underlying causes.leaky gut

How to Prevent from Suffering Leaky Gut

First, Eliminate inflammatory foods. Processed/fast foods, GMO and pesticide-laden foods, grains, sugar, dairy, caffeine, alcohol, and soy.

Second, take Colostrum. It supports the health of the gastrointestinal tract by promoting cell growth in the intestines. Additionally, this helps to soothe inflammation and heal a damaged gut. Chronic conditions are best treated first with a 3-day bovine colostrum fast. Take colostrum four times a day. This is to allow the gut time to heal before adding food and beverages other than water. Since probiotics may cross into the bloodstream via a leaky gut, the leaky gut must be healed prior to supplementation. Also, Lactoferrin in colostrum acts as a prebiotic and stimulates the growth of good bacteria in the gut as well.

Third, Bone Broth. It is a highly nutritious, bone broth that helps reduce inflammation and heal the gut.

Fourth, eat Fermented foods. Sauerkraut, kimchi, Kombucha, kefir, raw apple cider vinegar (with “mother”). Fermented foods are rich in probiotics. These are good bacteria that improve digestion, boost immunity, and promote a healthy weight.

Fifth, consume Healthy Fats. Avocado, fish, coconut oil, olive oil. Fat is required for the absorption of some vitamins (the fat-soluble vitamins – A, D, E, and K). And it is essential for the production of hormones.

Lastly, eat Steamed Vegetables. It is an important source of nutrients, vitamins, phytochemicals, and fiber.

healthy gut

Healing the Gut

Gut health is so important to the overall health of an individual. Hippocrates, who is considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine, stated, “all disease begins in the gut.” We cannot heal any disease without first healing the gut. 80% of the immune system is wrapped around the intestines. If the gut cannot do its job properly, we cannot receive all the nutrients from our food. Moreover, we become malnourished. With the increase in processed and chemically treated foods, this has become a widespread problem. In the case of leaky gut, substances that aren’t supposed to leave the intestines, get into the bloodstream and cause havoc on the immune system.

Start checking in on your gut health if you are suffering from any of the symptoms above. First, try eliminating inflammatory foods and adding more of the healing foods above. Then, see if there are any changes in how you feel. It usually takes a significant amount of time to heal gut imbalances. Therefore, it’s a good idea to have a plan and support from a specialist. Especially, if you have more serious symptoms like autoimmune disease or infections.  Also, many naturopaths are highly trained in healing the gut naturally with foods, herbs, and natural supplements.

Colostrum for Gut Health

I cannot advocate enough about the benefits of using colostrum. It heals gut disease and restores a balanced immune system. Also, it reduces inflammation, repairs the damage caused by inflammation, and supports the growth of good bacteria essential in healthy digestion.

We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee on all our colostrum products.

Try it risk-free and start your journey towards vibrant health.

“Colostrum is the best remedy known for all-around gut health. Colostrum restores leaky gut to normal permeability levels. It contains growth factors and hormones to help repair damage to the intestinal lining, including damage caused by NSAIDs and other medication, and restores gut integrity.”  ~Andrew M. Keech, Ph.D., Peptide Immunotherapy

BodyBoost colostrum is the first milking after birth and is spray dried using low pressure indirect steam and carefully controlled temperatures to produce a high-quality powder while protecting the colostral proteins. Each colostrum product batch is thoroughly analyzed prior to shipment to assure its quality, efficacy and safety.

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